Thursday, July 3, 2008

Swimming with Sawyer

One thing I LOVE is swimming. Mom and Dad took me swimming when I was in Mexico with grandma and grandpa a while ago and I forgot how much fun it is. Mommy loves to take me swimming in the afternoon. I say hi to all of the ladies at the pool before I do my laps. Sometimes if I'm feeling indulgent, I just float along in my raft (see photos below). Mommy always coordinates my hat with my swimsuit. Summer fashions are my fave!


Danny Cohn said...

we can't wait to come swimming with you this summer!

Olivia / Savta said...

Aaah, my sweet little sawyerbabygranddaughter.....these photos define why everyone around here now gets it why you are YUMMYBABY! There aren't enough words to capture the joy of having so much access to you and your parents now that you are living in Savta and Poppy's town. Haven't we had the best time together these last four weeks.....and so much more to come! You light up everyone's life with that awesome "I love life" smile of yours!