Monday, August 11, 2008

This would be SO much funnier if Mom and Dad knew how to rotate the video

I love to shake my booty to the "Cha Cha Slide." I'm a dancing fool these days.

Playing hard to get...

Is not really my strong suit. Chase came over to play and I couldn't keep my hands off of him. He's just so snuggly, I want to eat him (I tried to snack on his toes, but he didn't like it).

Rockin' Robin

During my trip to Chicago, I got to spend some quality time with the Robin Boys! Charlie fed me my first animal cracker and I had lots of fun with Ryder.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sup Cuz

One of the highlights of my trip was hangin' with my Cali cousins Reed & Hayley. They helped me get ready for bed. We laughed a LOT. We also got to spend some QT with GG! She rocks.

Lady who Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinner and even Snacks

My trip to Chi-town was filled with lots and lots of eating. I LOVED it. I had my first pancakes with Papa Chuckles. Lots of fruit with Grandma Sindy. I can pit a plum in seconds. In this picture I was pounding raspberries like they were going out of style! I even went with Aunt Danny and Uncle Drewsy to brunch in the city. So fab!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Sweet Home Chicago

This weekend, Mommy and I went back to Chicago (that's where I was born :)) for a visit with Grandma Sindy and Papa Chuckles. We took lots of pictures and I'll be posting them soon. Auntie Sari came over and I showed her all of my swim skills. Mostly I played with these colorful cups. Dumping water is fun! Mommy even let me experience some "European Style" bathing - she said it's OK until I get older. What a FREE feeling.