Monday, November 3, 2008

I heart balloons

One of the best things about birthdays are BALLOONS. I've been wandering around the house with them ever since my birthday. Mom couldn't help but snap a few shots.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Birthday To ME!

This weekend we celebrated my FIRST birthday in Chicago with all of my friends, cousins, granparents, and relatives. It was a blast! Here are some of the pics. More birthday fun is coming soon!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Go Go Go!

Two things I LOVE... The CUBBIES and my wagon. I've even penned my own rendition of "Go Cubs Go." I like sing "Go Go Go" because the Cubs need that extra encouragement!

Monday, September 8, 2008

"Mommy my Hair Hurts" and other Family Folklore

Shortly after Grandma Sindy left Cleveland, Mommy told me a story about when she was a little girl. As usual, it started with "once apon a time..."

Once apon a time there was little girl who didn't have a lot of hair. Her mommy always wanted a little girl, with long flowing pigtails. As the girl got older, her hair stayed short and her mommy got very impatient. The mommy tried clips, and bows. Rubber bands and ribbons, but the little girl just smiled sweetly without pigtails. Finally one day, the little girls hair was long enough and the mommy pulled her brown locks into two sprouty pigtails. She pulled them tight as they just barely fit into the ponytail holders. The mommy was so happy and so was the little girl. As the day wore on, the little girl began to cry. The mommy asked, why are you crying? The little girl replied... Mommy my hair hurts. The mommy said, "it hurts to be beautiful." :) The mommy and the little girl laughed. After that day, they waited a while to try the pigtails again.

After I heard the story I wanted pigtails. So mommy tried it out. They didn't stay very long, but I like the way they look.

Me and My GRANDMA!

Mommy had to go to Los Angeles for wook last week and Grandma Sindy came to Cleveland to help Daddy. We had so much fun! Grandma is VERY silly.

Monday, August 11, 2008

This would be SO much funnier if Mom and Dad knew how to rotate the video

I love to shake my booty to the "Cha Cha Slide." I'm a dancing fool these days.

Playing hard to get...

Is not really my strong suit. Chase came over to play and I couldn't keep my hands off of him. He's just so snuggly, I want to eat him (I tried to snack on his toes, but he didn't like it).

Rockin' Robin

During my trip to Chicago, I got to spend some quality time with the Robin Boys! Charlie fed me my first animal cracker and I had lots of fun with Ryder.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sup Cuz

One of the highlights of my trip was hangin' with my Cali cousins Reed & Hayley. They helped me get ready for bed. We laughed a LOT. We also got to spend some QT with GG! She rocks.

Lady who Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinner and even Snacks

My trip to Chi-town was filled with lots and lots of eating. I LOVED it. I had my first pancakes with Papa Chuckles. Lots of fruit with Grandma Sindy. I can pit a plum in seconds. In this picture I was pounding raspberries like they were going out of style! I even went with Aunt Danny and Uncle Drewsy to brunch in the city. So fab!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Sweet Home Chicago

This weekend, Mommy and I went back to Chicago (that's where I was born :)) for a visit with Grandma Sindy and Papa Chuckles. We took lots of pictures and I'll be posting them soon. Auntie Sari came over and I showed her all of my swim skills. Mostly I played with these colorful cups. Dumping water is fun! Mommy even let me experience some "European Style" bathing - she said it's OK until I get older. What a FREE feeling.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Swimming Swimming in the Swimming Pool

Mommy and Daddy took me to the Aquatic Center this weekend. I showed off my mad swim skillz and rocked the lazy river. During rest period, I splashed in the baby pool (pictured below ;0) )

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008

It's getting hot in herre

Sometimes it's REALLY hot and mommy lets me sport my diaper around the house. She also geve me this silly Pepples Flintstone hairdo. Tell Mommy what you think of my new 'do my blog question of the week.

Ladies who Lunch

Last week I went with Savta to a fabulous birthday lunch for Lee Hart. Don't we look cute!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Back to the grind...

Mommy and Daddy are both back at work this week. Doesn't Daddy look handsome! While they are T.C.B. I'm having the so much fun with Savta and Poppy

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I Heart Grandma Sindy

Grandma Sindy came and visited me in Cleveland this week. We had so much fun shopping and swimming. The best part was going to dinner though. I was all ready for bed and we went to this fancy restaurant. I got to eat the BEST food. Buttered Noodles... Yummy Chicken... I was SO excited and I didn't want grandma to leave. We laughed and laughed. She's so silly.